Projects Focus

Land Use Planning & Reforestation

  • Homabay
  • Dudi

Agriculture & Food Security

  • Siaya County
  • 4d

Healthcare & Disease Control

  • Homa Bay
  • 5d

Our Profile

"Empowering Communities to Create Wealth through Sustainable Development Programmmes"

At Dudi Development Program, we believe in a world where every community can thrive, free from the grip of poverty. Our Mission is to integrate development in agricultural and environmental sector, improve access to education, water, medical care and sanitation.

Current Projects

Community Empowerment & Sustainable Development

We facilitate adult literacy, youth education and impact life skills for growth of an empowered generation in the community.

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Water Projects

Sustaining a productive and healthy population

Tree Planting

Reafforestation & afforestation to increases vegetation cover.

Commnunity Resource Centre

Community empowerment for self-development & income generation

Modern Educational Facilities

Infrastructure rehabilitations & provision of learning resources in schools

Partners & Donors

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Our Latest News

Use of solar and biowaste charcoal to counter defforestation

Solar energy reduces reliance on wood for fuel, preserving forests. Biowaste charcoal, made from agricultural residues, offers a sustainable alternative to traditional charcoal, reducing the need for tree cutting and promoting environmental conservation.

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Focus Areas

Community Economic Empowerment

Fostering self-reliance and social equity to alleviate poverty and enhance sustainable development

Health is Wealth

Promoting health, through supporting mental health wellness, chronic disease prevention, general disease awareness and supporting healthcare.

Sustainable Environment

Promoting land rehabilitation, land use planning, reforestation, renewable energy usage & protecting ecosystems

Food Systems & Livelihoods

Promoting conservation agriculture & adapting modern agricultural practices to boost food production and soil development.


Empowering Communities to promote employability through adult literacy and education. This includes school infrastructure rehabilitation programs, equipping schools with learning and activity resources, sponsorship to education and training of adults on information and Communication Technology

Water & Sanitation

Establishing safe water for all through implementing WASH programs. This involves water financing, water infrastructure development and rehabilitation, prevention of water borne-disesase spread and general community sensitization on improved sanittation and hygiene

The Vulnerable

Supporting orphans & vulnerable persons in communities (OVC). Sourcing for sponsorship to educate orphans, support vulnerable members e.g the AIDS infected & affected households, the old, people living with disabilities, and Pregnant & Lactating women through gender & social inclusion (GESI)

Research & Advocacy

Researching for project development & creating solutions to alleviate poverty in communities via feasibility studies, commercial viability assessments, baseline studies and evaluations, & participation in academic research for development by establishing linkages & networks

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